Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something Strange

Last night, I was awake in the middle of the night. Suddenly something gripped on above my lip. I felt it; it felt like a butterfly's wing. I shook my head just to make sure it was real, and I still felt something grabbing on. When I touched it again, it flew off...and four of its wing sheddings fell off, too. My mom couldn't get me back to sleep, so she suggested we go back into my bedroom (because I was sleeping in a different room that night). I said Yes, because when I got up I saw a trail of glittery dust going into my bedroom.  Do you think it was a fairy, or just a dream?


  1. Must have been a fairy! We have a fairy bath in our backyard made from an old metal spoon. I haven't seen any fairies come yet or seen any evidence, but I'm hoping to some day. Do you think they like it hanging in a tree or should I tuck it away somewhere for them to feel safer?

  2. hey Anna Cady - This is your Mom's friend Maggie. I think if you really felt the bite on your lip then it must be fairy - because dreams happen in your head - fairies you can actually feel - plus the the glittery dust is pretty solid evidence - how cool!!

  3. Dear Michelle, I think they would like it hanging on a tree. But if that does not work, try tucking it away. If you see any fairies (which you probably will), the kind of fairy will probably be a tinker. A tinker is a kind of fairy that likes to build stuff out of old, used stuff. They also really like long spoons and pots and pans.
