Sunday, January 6, 2013

Fairy Trees

(from Fairyopolis)

These are all the trees that fairies like:

Nut trees - Most varieties of nut trees provide homes for tree nymphs.

Blackthorn - Blackthorn trees are carefully guarded by the fairies, who believe them to be sacred.

Ash - Ash trees are believed to provide protection from the more mischievous types of fairies. They cannot use their magic on those standing in the shadow of an ash tree.

Hawthorne - All thorny trees are favorite meeting places for fairies.

Lilac - The wafting scent of lilacs will attract fairies to a garden.

Holly - Holly berries are a particular favorite of the fairies

Rowan - It is said that if a Rowan tree grows in your garden, you and your family will be blessed by the fairies.

Oak - The oak is believed to be a sacred tree for fairies. Oak trees even have their own fairy known as the dryad or oak tree nymph.

Beech - In Celtic mythology, the beech was a symbol of potency, thanksgiving, and was used in divination. 

Elder - Fairies believe that elder trees will protect them from any humans who wish them harm. Fairies also make wine from the elderberries.

Apple - The fruit or bark of the apple tree can be used in fairy magic. The apples also make excellent gifts for the fairies.

Willow - The sound of the wind in the willows is said to be that of fairy whisperings. legend tells of a beautiful fairy called Heliconia, who lives among the willow.


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